To CHAD Families—
Many of you may not know that I turned 70 in August of this year, a birthday that is one of those moments when one has a chance to think honestly and seriously about life after 70. Some of you may also not know that I am finishing my preparation and study for ordination to the Episcopal priesthood, a two-stage event that will come in January 2015 and in June 2015. And so it is that with the help of my family and some wonderful friends, I have come to the decision that the 2014-2015 school year will be my last as Head of School for CHAD.
I have been a university and school person for 45 years and nothing in my previous experience prepared me for the place that is CHAD. From the first time I came to the school and to our CHAD building, I felt called to be here and that calling is what has kept me at CHAD. It was a calling to be and work with all of you in an effort to take care of our students and teach them so that they learn; and, in the same way, take care of and teach one another. This has been enormously satisfying for me.
Now, after 10 years and in CHAD’s 16th year, I believe it is time to turn CHAD over to the next person. There is no mystery here, no unsaid imperative. Put simply, it is time to begin the next stage of my life, in whatever form that will take, just as it is time for CHAD to begin the next stage of its life.
Having told you of my intentions, I will continue to work until my last day, June 30, 2015. And there is plenty still for me and us to do.
Finally, replacing a Head of School is a process. Susan Poglinco, Ph.D, a CHAD Board member for six years and now the president of the Board, will lead the search, along with Priscilla Rosenwald of Leadership Recruiters. Susan has a background in educational research and because of our work together on the Board and now as President; she is very familiar with CHAD’s challenges and opportunities. She knows our school.
I am very grateful to every one of you for allowing me to be the Head of CHAD, your school, and for being at CHAD, with me, for these many years. Together, you have given me the most extraordinary personal and professional work of my life, something I shall never forget, always have, and never take for granted.
Very sincerely,
Peter Kountz, PhD