Category: School Info
Examples of Student Work

ATTENTION CREATIVE STUDENTS! Stroll through the halls of the Charter High School for Architecture + Design and you will know that you are in no run of the mill high school. The walls are lined with funky chairs, glowing walls, dripping lamps, day glow math projects, illustrated book jackets, fashion garments, sculptures, architectural models, paintings, photography, self-portraits, […]

Expectations for Student Behavior (from the Student /Parent Handbook) In order to create an environment for positive student development and achievement that enhances learning and leads to success in school, we have established a number of Expectations of Student Behavior. These expectations may be divided into two categories – those that apply to academic endeavor and […]

“We don’t want all our students to become architects. More and more studies are showing the measurable, positive impact of design on people’s social, physical and mental health. We’d like them to leave CHAD with an appreciation for how design can improve their lives and the lives of others.” Tony Bracali, AIA Principal, Anthony Bracali […]
Donors Story
Watch for our new Donor’s story . . . . . . coming soon

2009 CHADvocates $15,000 CHAD PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD Poor Richard’s Charitable Trust $10,000 CHAD HEAD OF SCHOOL AIA Philadelphia Center for Architecture Penntex Construction $7,500 CHAD DEAN Liberty Property Trust $2,500 CHAD STUDENT Bazelon Less & Feldman Clemens Construction Cozen O’Connor Rob and Marcy Fenza IMC Construction Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis $1,000 CHAD […]

“[My son] applied to three colleges and was accepted to two. He has decided to attend Philadelphia University where he was accepted into two programs – Architectural Studies and Architectural Engineering. The other good news is that he was offered three academic scholarships. CHAD has been a great experience for my son. I am so […]

Philadelphia is CHAD’s classroom. Field trips, behind-the-scenes visits, and mentorships with professionals and extraordinary leaders in the design fields are integral to the curriculum. On and off-campus,students participate in projects that make relevant connections between the classroom and the working world of professional designers and architects. Shondea Moore (12th grade), Marcia Tollerson (12th grade), Jamal […]

Charter High School for Architecture + Design opened its doors in September 1999 to about 400 students in grades 9 through 11.The first architecture charter high school in the nation, this Legacy Project of the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects is the outgrowth of a collaboration between AIA Philadelphia and a group […]